as with any other aspects of technology, GPUs are still undergoing further
innovations and improvements. In the following years, I reckon a greater extent
of transistor size reduction will lead to higher transistor density on the same
processor die area, increasing processing power and memory bandwidth while
enabling manufacturers like NVIDIA and AMD to lower their product pricing. [2] This
will grant future generations a boon of more accessible and powerful processing
resources, empowering them to learn and experiment with aspects of Information
Technology with much less difficulty. An immediate impact would be seen in the
Video Game industry. Next-gen games with even higher graphic quality and
clarity will be produced, blurring the line between what is conceived as
virtual and real.
Next-gen Realtime Graphics
(Yes, this is not a photograph)
size reduction of transistors will open more opportunities in the field of
Internet of Things, as it would allow the manufacture of micro-scale GPUs for
single-board computers and microcontrollers like the Raspberry Pi and Arduino
line-up. These micro-GPUs can help expand the processing capability of these
devices, improving on use cases such as smart home appliances and automated
surveillance systems. Major effects will also be felt on the field of
Artificial Intelligence. With advances in image processing speed and
efficiency, more exciting breakthroughs will be discovered in Computer Vision
technologies such as Object Detection and Distance Estimation, giving rise to a
more intelligent generation of self-driving vehicles and automated machineries.
As previously discussed, GPUs are also used in Deep Learning and neural
networks, therefore further processing enhancement will in turn lead to more
impressive technology, such as real-time image reconstruction, AI-generated
novels and songs, and maybe in the far future, fully functional and cognitive
The enhancement of modern graphics processors will also facilitate progress in other scientific fields. In particular, in the field of Astronautics, the improvement in GPUs power could boost the performance in the aspect of simulating physics, allowing more advanced scientific simulations like space-flight trajectory to be carried out, supporting research in space exploration and colonisation. On a more personal scale, I believe better graphics cards will allow me to better pursue my education and career in the field of Information Technology. More graphical power would also aid me in actualising my project idea, An Nam, by facilitating faster model rendering time and better framerates when playtesting.
Autonomous vehicles are powered by GPUs [3]