
A tutorial: Git and GitHub

A simple tutorial for the most important tool of a developer

1. Overview
1.1 What is Git?

Git is a version control system used to track changes in files or sets of files, originally designed by Linus Torvalds (arguably one of the most influential people in Information Technology) to facilitate cooperation among programmers on source code during software development.

1.2 What is GitHub?

GitHub is a cloud-based hosting service that allows the creation and management of Git repositories. A free, basic user can create unlimited public/private repositories and is provided with 1 free website domain. GitHub also offers premium subscriptions with more advanced features and functionalities.

1.3 Why do we use Git and GitHub?

Whether you are an aspiring IT student or an experienced developer, Git is an indispensable tool that enables you to easily track changes to your code. Tracking your code history is very important, as it helps maintaining different versions of your software, making sure you would never lose any code and could recover them any time. When used in tandem with GitHub, you can effortlessly save your code to the cloud and allow smooth collaboration.

2. Before we start

For this tutorial, we will use:

  • A web browser
  • Git
  • Visual Studio Code

  • There will be certain abbreviations used in this tutorial:

  • Repo: Repository
  • VS Code: Visual Studio Code

  • 3. Setting up
    3.1 Setting up your GitHub account and Repo

    To create a GitHub account and your first Repository, do the following instructions:

  • Step 1: Go to
  • Step 2: Click on "Sign Up" button at the top of the website

  • Step 3: Fill in the boxes, complete the Captcha, and click on “Create Account”

  • Step 4: Answer the questions (if you want) and/or click on “Complete setup”

  • Step 5: Go to the mailbox of the email you input in step 3, find the email from GitHub and click on “Verify email address”

  • Step 6: Go back to, click on the “+” at the upper right conner to open the drop-down menu, then click on “New repository”

  • Step 7: Fill in the blank with a name for your Repo and check the boxes as you see fit, then click on “Create repository”

  • You have created your first GitHub repo! Now we can move on to the next section.

    3.2 Installing Visual Studio Code

    While Git can be used on its own, it is recommended to use an IDE to optimise your workflow. Git supports an impressive number of IDEs, but in this tutorial, we will use Visual Studio Code, an IDE that is incredibly lightweight considering the features it has. Follow the instructions to download and install VS Code:

  • Step 1: Go to, select your OS and download VS Code

  • Step 2: Open the downloaded setup file, install with default settings (spam the "Next" button).

  • Just like that and VS Code should be successfully installed afterwards! Now we can move on to the next section.

    3.3 Installing Git

    Next, we will install Git and assign VS Code as Git’s default editor

  • Step 1: Go to, select your OS and download Git

  • Step 2: Open the downloaded setup file, click next until you see the “Choosing the default editor used by Git” tab. Click on the drop-down menu and choose “Use Visual Studio Code as Git’s default editor”

  • After that, spam on the “next” button until you finish installing Git

  • Git is now successfully installed! We have finished setting up, now we can get to the part where we use Git.

    4. Using Git
    4.1 Configuring Git and cloning your remote Repo

    Disclaimer: For the purpose of this tutorial, I will use my GitHub account and Repo to demonstrate the process. The following instructions are for Windows.

    After we have successfully installed our IDE and Git, we will now configure Git on VS Code using git config and clone our repo using git clone

  • Step 1: Open up VS Code. Press Ctrl + Shift + ` to open the terminal

  • Step 2: Type in: git config -l and press Enter to check if Git has been properly installed. If your terminal shows a list like below, Git is ready to go. To get out of the config, press Down until the end of the list, then press Q

  • Step 3: Next, type in git config --global [your GitHub user name] and press Enter
  • Step 4: Then, type in git config --global [your GitHub email] and press Enter If your terminal shows no error like below, your account config is now configured.

  • Step 5: Type in cd "C:\Users\[Your Windows Username]\Desktop" (with the brackets) and press Enter to set Desktop as your current directory

  • Step 6: Type in git clone[your GitHub user name]/[your repo] and press Enter to clone your remote Repo to your local machine. Note: If there is nothing in your Repo, the warning: “warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.” will appear. This is normal and is nothing to be worried about

  • Step 7: Click on the “File” tab at the upper-left corner then click on Open folder (you can also press Ctrl + K then immediately Ctrl + O). A window will open, navigate to the directory where you cloned your Repo to, in this case Desktop, and select the folder with the same name as your Repo, then click on “Select Folder”

  • After you have selected the folder with your repo name, a column on should appear on the left, with the repo folder on it.

    4.2 Using basic git commands: add, commit, push

    After having cloned our remote repo to the local machine, it's time we learn how to use Git to our advantage. First, we will learn how to use git add, git commit and git push. Below is a simple diagram that would help you understand how this works

    Let's try to put this to practice:

  • Step 1: First, let’s create a file called FirstFile.txt. Click on the name of your repo on the column on the left and expand it, then click on the first icon next to the name to create a new file. Name the file FirstFile.txt

  • Step 2: Type in some content to the file as you wish, then press Ctrl + S to save the file. See that white dot next to the FirstFile.txt tab? That means the file isn't saved yet. After saving, the dot will disappear

  • Next, we will upload this file to the online GitHub repo:

  • Step 1: Open the terminal with Ctrl + Shift + `

  • Step 2: Type in git add . (This will add every single file in your folder) or git add “File Name” with the bracket (This will only add a single file) and press Enter
  • Step 3: Type in git commit -m “[Your comment]” with the bracket (This is to help you remember what changes” and press Enter

  • Step 4: Type in git push (This will upload your file(s) to the remote repo) and press Enter
  • Step 5: Since this is your first time pushing, a window will pop-up prompting you to “Sign in with your browser”. Click on the prompt.
  • Step 6: Once the website loads, click on Authorize “GitCredentialManager”

  • Step 7: Now if you go back to VS Code, you will see that your git push command has been successfully ran

  • And voila! The file is now uploaded to your repo. You can check by going to[your GitHub user name]/[your repo]

    4.3 Resolving conflicts

    When you are working with many collaborators, file conflicts might arise. These conflicts happen when the file version on the repo is different from the one you are having on your local machine. For example, let’s say on your Repo, there is already a file called “conflict.txt” uploaded by another collaborator.

    At the same time, on your local machine, you also have a “conflict.txt” file with your local content on it.

    If you try to push your local file, an error will occur like the image below

    To resolve such conflicts, we have to review the content of both local and remote version to determine which version of the file to keep, by using git add, git commit, git pull and git push command

  • Step 1: Type in the console git add . and press Enter
  • Step 2: Type in the console git commit -m "[Your message]" and press Enter

  • Step 3: Type in the console git pull and press Enter. After you press Enter, the interface will change and show 4 options: “Accept Current Change”, “Accept Incoming Change”, “Accept Both Changes” and “Compare Changes”

  • If you want to use the local content:

  • Step 4: Click on Accept Current Change, and press Ctrl + S to save
  • Step 5: Repeat Step 1 and Step 2, then type in git push and press Enter. This will push the local file to the remote repo and replace the file on it

  • If you want to use the online content:

  • Step 4: Click on Accept Incoming Change, and press Ctrl + S to save the remote content to your local file
  • Step 5: Repeat Step 1 and Step 2, then type in the console git push and press Enter

  • If you want to accept both content (combined content):

  • Step 4: Click on Accept Both Changes, and press Ctrl + S to save the combined content to your local file
  • Step 5: Repeat Step 1 and Step 2, then type in git push and press Enter. This will push the combined file to the remote repo and replace the file on it

  • After having practised this more and more, you will be able to resolve conflicts like a pro!

    4.4 Branching

    Branching is a very useful utility on GitHub that allows users to expand upon their current projects (i.e. adding new feature) without tampering with the main source code. For example, if you already have a fully functional project on the main branch, but want to safely code and add a new feature to the project without touching the existing code, branching will be your saviour. In essence, branching will create a complete duplicate of everything from the main branch, which would allow you to work on the new feature completely isolated from the original code.

    Branch creation

    To create a new branch, type in git branch [branch name] and press Enter. A branch with all your files duplicated has been created. However, this branch is only created locally.

    To push this branch to your remote repo, type in git push --set-upstream origin [branch name] and press Enter

    Navigating through branches and working on the new branch:

    If you need to navigate to another branch, or back to the main branch, you can use the command git checkout [destination branch]

    For example: Before you can work on the new branch, you have to navigate to the branch you just created by typing in git checkout [branch name] and press Enter.

    Once you are now on the [branch name] branch, and all of your work will only be done on this branch, keeping all your code from the main branch safe. Working on a branch is identical to working on the main branch, so if you need help, scroll up!

    If you need to go back to the mainbranch, similarly, type in git checkout main and press Enter

    Deleting branches

    If you want to delete a branch, do the following steps:

  • Step 1: If you are on the branch you want to delete, go back to the main branch by typing in git checkout main and press Enter

  • Step 2: Type in git push origin --delete [branch name] and hit Enter (This will delete the branch from the remote repo)
  • Step 3: Type in git branch -D [branch name] and hit Enter (This will delete the branch locally)